Sunday, October 16, 2011


I live in the friendliest little town of Arcadia, straight down historic route 66 in a land where time has forgot us. When you come into our sleepy little town from Edmond you will travel west down 66 until you come to Soda Pops, which even though it was built only a few years ago holds the essence and spirit of Route 66.

Virtual Tour Of Soda Pops
Official Web Site

Breakfast is served only on the weekends 7-10:30, Lunch dinner 10:30 am to 9:00 pm. They also have events, for instance, when I snapped this picture they were having a car show. In any case you'll meet some of the friendliest people in the world at Pops. I stop in at least once a day either to eat, fuel, or just to visit.

As you travel west ward down the mother road you will come to 2 Brothers Pizza and the Arcadia Liquor store, located on the south side of the road, both are located in the same building. Trekking onward you will see the historic red barn on the north right before you get to main street. On the south side of the road you will see the now vacant but once proud Hobo's Tavern, a bed and breakfast that was first started in the 30's, a safe haven for weary travelers to lay their heads and get a bite to eat. It was as much museum as restaurant with the pictures of past travelers pictures on the wall, Will Rogers, Marlon Brando, Lady Bird Johnson, and Fay Wray all made their way down the mother road to Hobos. A tear forms in my eye when I see it vacant (along a biker apparel shop has set up business in one of the out buildings).

There is of course a lot more to see. Farms and historic land marks like this old abandoned filling station, which as local legend will have it was here even before the mother road was officially established. The station was here before electricity ran though but you could gas your car and buy cold soda pop on the days that the ice man came through. Then sometime in the late thirties the owners were sold a pair of counterfeit ten dollar plates. They started making their own money, this went on for several years until the G-men raided the station and it was never to open again. However, sometimes it is said if you break down near the station a friendly spirit will fix your car and refill your tank. The Spirit of the mother road lives on.

I Love my sleepy town and can't see myself living anywhere else. From where I live I can look down upon the west side of town on one side and see the lake from the other side.

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